Nuova release dei driver video Radeon, versione 20.8.1, con un interessante changelog e molti bug fixes.
Aggiunto il supporto a Hyper Scape™, Horizon Zero Dawn™ Complete Edition, Grounded™ (circa 9% di performance in più su RX 5700 XT).
Le correzioni più interessanti:
- DOOM™ Eternal may experience a very dark or dim screen when changing V-Sync settings in game with HDR enabled.
- Radeon Software may experience an application crash or hang when waking from sleep after joining the AMD User Experience program.
- Streaming and recording features are not working or are failing to enable on Radeon RX 5000 series graphics products in Windows® 7 system configurations.
- Compatibility Advisor may show an “Unable to get requirements” error message when opened. Users will need to perform a factory reset of settings in Radeon Software for this fix to take effect.
- With Radeon FreeSync enabled, task switching to another display or application may intermittently cause the desktop refresh rate to be locked to an arbitrary interval causing stuttering.
Il changelog completo e download QUI
Interessante, li installo subito 😉 Magari a ‘sto giro si risolve il problema con What Happened. Ah no…… xD
Sperem 😉