Rubato in California un carico di GPU EVGA

by Vincenzo Gentile
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A quanto pare piove sempre sul bagnato. In un mercato in cui le GPU continuano a scarseggiare ed in cui non si vedono evidenti segni di miglioramento delle disponibilità delle stesse, un carico di GPU EVGA è stato trafugato.
Di fatto, il carico era composto dalle ultime schede grafiche NVIDIA GeForce RTX serie 30.
Il camion che trasportava le schede, stava seguendo la sua rotta da San Francisco al centro di distribuzione EVGA Southern California, trasportava al suo interno un quantitativo non specificato di GPU con un MSRP da 329,99 a 1959,99 USD.

Di seguito il comunicato ufficiale di EVGA:

”PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on October 29, 2021, a shipment of EVGA GeForce RTX 30-Series Graphics Cards was stolen from a truck en route from San Francisco to our Southern California distribution center.

These graphics cards are in high demand and each has an estimated retail value starting at $329.99 up to $1959.99 MSRP.

PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that under state and Federal law:

It is a criminal and civil offense to “buy or receive” property that has been stolen. Cal. Penal Code section 496(a).
It is also a criminal and civil offense to “conceal, sell, withhold, or aid in concealing selling or withholding” any such property.


If you are able to successfully register your product and see it under My Products, then your product is NOT affected by this notice, you can also check the serial number at the EVGA Warranty Check page to see if it is affected.

EVGA will NOT REGISTER or HONOR ANY WARRANTY or UPGRADE claims on these products.

If you have or receive any information relating to these products, please share that with us at

We appreciate your attention to this issue.

Thank you,
EVGA Management”

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